This survey project will determine whether or not the 594 public school districts found at the NJ Department of Education's website have "affectional or sexual orientation" in their nondiscrimination statements. The following letter and stamped postcard were sent to the school districts' superintendents: [date], 1999
Dear [Name}, Superintendent, This survey will enable a database development concerning the public school districts in New Jersey and their compliance with the Law Against Discrimination (LAD). The specific area of concern are the nondiscrimination statements clear presentation to the public of the category added by an amendment in 1992. That amendment added "affectional or sexual orientation" to the LAD as a matter of concern to the government of the State and its inhabitants. The nondiscrimination statement may or may not reflect policy, regulation or procedural guides. Please check the appropriate line on the enclosed postcard as soon as possible to allow for a completed database. If you care to comment on the survey or have any other inquires address them to the persons below. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Sincerely, George DeCarlo
After receiving replies in response to the survey letter, tables at this website were filled out. If the replies were not returned, follow-up telephone calls were made, in some cases many times, in order to obtain the needed information. Witnessing the nondiscrimination statement did not necessitate inquireries. Unfortunately, a refusal column has been added if a school district does not wish to reveal their nondiscrimination statement for the purpose of the survey.
Click above in order to help the survey project with a donation for mailings or follow-up calls to the county of your choice. Thank you. Choose a County and help in the the continuing survery projects by contributing for postage and associated materials. Please join Eileen Argenbright (a teacher fired for her sexual orientation) and contact us at the email address below. This will be the first of the survey projects. Thank you! Please support this site and project with a donation above or by getting products/services from below. Thank you! |
Send mail to alexdn@ix.netcom.com with questions or comments about this web site.